the archive of all my newsletters, starting in 2023…
February 2nd 2024, welcome tender new year
December 16th 2023, holiday gift guide
December 5th 2023, d e c e m b e r: at home and in the studio
October 2nd 2023, october here at last
September 4th 2023, september creeping in
August 2nd 2023, august here so fast
July 30th 2023, into J U L Y : fare thee well June Gloom and the Usual Studio Dispatch
May 31st 2023, into J U N E
May 3rd 2023, May oh May!
April 7th 2023, Sweet April Missive
March 1st 2023, m a r c h : spring on the horizon, muffins n alphabets
February 4th 2023, february: braving the cold, a winter warmer, and other such small delights
January 3rd 2023, January: oh welcome strange new year